terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2008

Mais do que apropriado

Ontem, enquanto (re)lia o livro que levou a um dos meus filmes favoritos (A Tempestade do Século) , calhou em passar os olhos numa das minhas passagens favoritas do filme. E vem mesmo a calhar. Passo a transcrever


Why is this happening? You're lay reader for Reverend Riggins down at the Methodist church, always got a quote from the Good Book handy - you must have some idea why this is happening.

Mike thinks about it, guiding the Sno-Cat through the desolate white driftscape that used to be Main Street.


You know the story about Job? In the Bible?
Well, here's the part that never got written down. After the contest for Job's soul is over and God wins, Job gets down on his knees and say, "Why did you do this to me, God? All my life I worshipped you, but You destroyed my livestock, blighted my crops, killed my wife and my children, and gave me a hundred horrible diseases... all because You had a bet going with the devil? Well, okay... but what I want to know, Lord - all your humble servant wants to know is - Why me?" So he waits, and just when he's about made up his mind God isn't going to answer, a thunderhead forms in the sky, and lightning flashes, and this voice calls down: "Job! I guess there's just something about you that pisses me off.""

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